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Below is an effort to recognize those holding school records both current and previous.  If you know of a school record that is missing, please email with the information to be updated.  Thank you for you help.  GO MINERS!!!!

Track and Field

Girls Swim/DiveKatherine Bristow, Megan Eppler, Brittani Marquez, Taylor Anderson1.53:42200 M Relay2008
Girls Swim/DiveJanessa Bringe1.58:65200 Free2018
Girls Swim/DiveMegan Eppler2:06.56200 IM2008
Girls Swim/DiveMegan Eppler24.1450 Free2008
Girls Swim/DiveJasmine Sears1:01.61100 Fly2007
Girls Swim/DiveMegan Eppler52.94100 Free2008
Girls Swim/DiveJanessa Bringe5:12.89500 Free2018
Girls Swim/DiveKatherine Bristow, Nathalie Kampen, Kaitlyn Torres, Megan Eppler1:41.05200 Free Relay2008 (WYL record)
Girls Swim/DiveKatherine Bristow1:02.22100 Back2008
Girls Swim/DiveKatherine Bristow1:11.30100 Breast2009
Girls Swim/DiveNathalie Kampen, Kaitlyn Torres, Taylor Anderson, Alanna Wynn3:45.94400 Free Relay2007
Girls Swim/DiveDeanna Gonzales366.45Diving2014
Boys Swim/DiveCallan Bruenning, Wesley Hatcher, Preston Niayesh, Chase Canterbury1:39.39200 M Relay2016
Boys Swim/DiveStephen Moock1:51.95200 Free2007
Boys Swim/DivePreston Niayesh1:56.82200 IM2018
Boys Swim/DiveChase Canterbury21.1850 Free2018
Boys Swim/DiveKohlton Norys49.09100 Fly2007
Boys Swim/DiveChase Canterbury47.42100 Free2018
Boys Swim/DiveStephen Moock5:12.42500 Free2007
Boys Swim/DiveWilliam Sharp, Kohlton Norys, Christopher Wynn, Morgan Blankenship1:27.49200 Free Relay2007 (WYL Record)
Boys Swim/DiveKohlton Norys49.61100 Back2007
Boys Swim/DivePreston Niayesh56.9100 Breast2018
Boys Swim/DiveStephen Moock, Christopher Wynn, Morgan Blankenship, Graham Wyckliffe3:25.11400 Free Relay2008
Boys Swim/DiveDuston Gragg469Diving2012